10 General Car Maintenance Tips That Every Car Owner Should Be Aware Of

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10 General Car Maintenance Tips That Every Car Owner Should Be Aware Of
Whether you have a new car or have been driving one for a while, certain car maintenance tips can help your car perform at its best. This is a good read if you need some pointers or a checklist of things to do to keep your car in good shape.
For every car owner, here is a comprehensive list of car maintenance tips and checklists.
Inspect your vehicle on a regular basis.
At least once a week, take a walk around your vehicle. While out for a walk, inspect your car for body damage. Inspect your tires for wear, punctures, or cuts, and test every lock, window, and even the sunroof.
Examine your air filter.
Many car problems arise when your air filters become clogged or fit too loosely. To keep your engine healthy, air filters filter out dust, pollen, and other contaminants. However, if the air filter becomes clogged, it can reduce airflow into the engine, robbing your vehicle of power and reducing performance and fuel economy. It is recommended that your air filter be replaced every 12,000 miles.
Check your tire pressure on a regular basis.
Fuel economy can be affected by tire pressure. It also has an impact on comfort and handling. The recommended tire pressure will be listed in the owner's manual for your vehicle. In general, the tire pressure should be checked once a week.
Clean the outside of your engine.
It's just as important to keep your car's exterior engine clean as it is to keep the interior engine clean. Even minor debris in the wrong place can cause damage to your engine if not cleaned properly. While checking your brake fluid, for example, some grease may fall into it. As a result, the brake may be damaged. As a result, make sure to check your brake fluid levels at least once a month.
Keep your headlights safe.
Once a month, turn on your headlights when parking in front of a flat surface to ensure that both headlights are working properly and are properly positioned. Walk around your car and look at your parking lights to visually inspect both turn signals. You can even have a friend stand behind the car while you engage the brakes to ensure that your brake lights are working properly.
Check your battery
One of the most important components required for your car to run is its battery. The car battery is in charge of supplying a large amount of electrical current to the starter, engine, and other electronic accessories in the vehicle. Extreme temperatures have an impact on battery performance, so regular battery testing will ensure that the battery works when you need it to.
Replace your spark plugs.
The efficiency of your car's engine may be affected by spark plugs. They are in charge of igniting the gas-air mixture that ultimately powers your vehicle. As a result, when the spark plugs fail to function properly, the engine loses power and does not perform to its full potential. So have a professional inspect your spark plugs and replace them if they are faulty.
Rotate and balance your tires.
Tyre rotation is essential for maintaining your vehicle's safety and performance. Of course, it improves your vehicle's steering response and smoothness. Rotating your tires allows them to even out their wear and helps them last longer. Check the tire pressure in your car at least once a month, especially before long trips or when carrying an extra load. The amount of air pressure required by your car's tires is specified in the owner's manual.
Check that your cooling system is operational.
To work efficiently and effectively, your car's cooling system and radiator must be clean. With normal wear and tear, your car's radiator accumulates deposits that can disrupt the cooling system. A radiator flush can help you keep your cooling system in good shape quickly and affordably. Check your car's owner's manual to see if you need to flush the radiator once a year or every two years.
Understand the significance of various warning light indicators.
Almost every car has a sophisticated sensor and warning light system that tell you everything from whether you forgot to replace the gas cap to whether one of your tires is low on air. Learn what each warning light on your car means and how to fix it. Your owner's manual can be extremely useful in this situation. If any light flashes and you are unable to immediately identify and resolve the issue, take your vehicle to a reputable mechanic.